At the Penn State Transportation Engineering and Safety Conference on Friday, December 8, Jeannette Quirus, PE, PTOE discussed the Basin Street Low-Cost Safety Improvement Project during the “Applying the Highway Safety Manual (HSM) for PennDOT and Low Cost Safety Improvements” session.
McCormick Taylor’s Bryan Hanover, PE, PTOE served as the moderator for the session.
Session Description: The session started with project-specific lessons learned from applying the HSM for two PennDOT projects, including an interchange evaluation in District 8 where the HSM assisted in the preferred alternative; and an urban roadway study in District 11 to determine B/C ratios for the various improvement options. The remaining speakers discussed low-cost safety improvements (1) on a local roadway in District 5, which constructed low-cost safety improvements with results from preliminary before/after crash data; and (2) at Maryland toll plazas, focusing on pavement marking treatment options.
Jeannette Quirus has more than 20 years of experience. As Director, Traffic Engineering, she manages McCormick Taylor’s traffic department, managing staff, coordinating traffic workloads, work sharing, and staffing needs. She has extensive experience in project management and a wide range of traffic engineering activities ranging from studies and operations to final design. She is an active volunteer in professional societies, having served in elected positions, including president of MASITE in 2007; president of ITE District 2 in 2010; and member of the board of directors for the Engineer’s Club of Philadelphia from 2010 until 2015. She also served as the program chair for the 2010 Transportation and Engineering Safety Conference held at Penn State. She currently sits on the Montgomery County Transportation Authority, of which she was elected vice chair in 2014. Most recently, Jeannette was appointed to the Whitemarsh Township Authority. She is a licensed PE in eight states, and has her PTOE. She has both a bachelor’s degree and master’s degree in civil engineering from the University of Pittsburgh.