McCormick Taylor strives to strike a balance between preserving the historical and cultural significance of sites and the need for modern infrastructure development. Whether through cultural resources surveys or the development of innovative public engagement tools, we aim to exceed client expectations on every project.
We offer the following comprehensive range of cultural resource services that are backed by decades of experience:
- Section 106/110/NEPA Compliance
- Section 4(f) Evaluations
- Archival Research and Analysis
- Historic Structures Surveys
- Determination of Effects Report
- Geoarchaeology/Geomorphology
- Archaeological Investigations (Phase I/II/III)
- Cemetery Identification/Delineation
- Burial Documentation/Removal
- Public Engagement
- Consulting Party Coordination
- Viewshed Analysis Reports (w/3D modeling)
- Historic Bridge Feasibility Reports
- National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) Nominations
- Avoidance Alternatives/Alternative Mitigation
- Archaeological Monitoring
- Mitigation Products