McCormick Taylor was selected to provide professional support for an
on-call multifaceted planning
services contract.
Sussex County’s existing Comprehensive Land Use Plan was adopted in 2008. Delaware law mandates that all counties and municipalities must have a comprehensive plan in place, and that these plans be reviewed and updated for State certification every 10 years.
To meet the State requirement, a new Sussex County Comprehensive Plan needed to be developed, reviewed, and adopted by June 2018. In addition, the County determined that the new plan must also provide extensive opportunities for public participation, as well as regular input from stakeholders, local interests, and officials.

In order to meet its June 2018 deadline, Sussex County enlisted McCormick Taylor to develop its next Comprehensive Plan. As part of this effort, our planners are utilizing a four-phase planning process designed to complete the Plan within 22 months. Specific activities include overseeing all aspects of plan development, including coordination with County staff, elected officials, and planning and zoning commission members, as well as the development of plan elements, goals objectives and strategies, documentation, and supporting data.
In addition, McCormick Taylor is responsible for leading all outreach efforts related to the plan, including participation in planning workshops, special purpose meetings, stakeholder meetings, focus group meetings, interviews, presentations, public meetings, development of collateral (both electronic and printed materials), media coordination, website content, and responses to comments.
The County has held over a dozen meetings and workshops with the public in an effort to develop a robust vision and establish priorities for the new Plan. In addition, the planning team facilitated interviews and focus group sessions with numerous planning partners and stakeholders, as well as participated in weekly or biweekly workshops with the County’s Planning and Zoning Commission and Council representatives. As a result, the current Draft Plan encompasses a wide range of goals, objectives, and strategies intended to help shape the future growth and preservation activities through the year 2045.