McCormick Taylor completed an inspection and engineering evaluation of Mullica Hill Pond Dam to bring it into compliance with NJDEP's Dam Safety Standards.
Mullica Hill’s historic beginnings date back to the eighteenth century and the Civil War era. The village developed along a single roadway, Main Street, and centered on Raccoon Creek—the source of waterpower for its early industrial buildings. The existing Mullica Hill Pond Dam did not conform to NJDEP’s Dam Safety Standards, and the bridge over the spillway was in poor condition, structurally deficient, and functionally obsolete. The structures posed a serious threat to public safety.
Located on U.S. Route 322 at the Raccoon Creek Bridge crossing, the roadway is part of a major transportation route that channels a high volume of traffic to historic Main Street, a corridor known for its rows of antique shops and specialty stores. Over time, the existing dam and bridge reached the end of their useful lives. The dam spillway was inadequately sized to pass the required 100-year design storm, and the timber stop logs had a history of failing and emptying the pond. In 2011, Tropical Storm Irene slammed the region with heavy rainfall, causing the dam to overflow and incur significant damage.
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To address the serious threat to public safety and provide a long-term solution, NJDOT selected McCormick Taylor to:
Manage and provide preliminary engineering and final design solutions for the repair of the dam, the full replacement of the bridge, and improvements to the western approach roadway on U.S. Route 322
Manage and complete preliminary engineering and final design for the upgrade of the dam, full bridge replacement, and roadway improvements along U.S. Route 322
Deliver services during construction
![322 mullica](https://mtcorporatestorage.blob.core.windows.net/prod/attachments/cjbqkfeut03r0pzsocktm00sz-322-mullica.one-half.jpg)
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The improvements for the Mullica Hill Pond Dam and U.S. Route 322 Raccoon Creek Bridge were approved by the NJDEP Dam Safety Section and include the following:
Raised section of U.S. Route 322 to improve roadway drainage
Completed bridge replacement
New dam spillway to pass the 100-year-storm design
Upgraded drainage pipes/inlets/outfalls
Minor realignment of U.S. Route 322 in the immediate vicinity of the dam to improve sight distance and the “S” curve at the western bridge/dam approach roadway
Installation of a new fish ladder per specifications of the NJDEP Division of Fish & Wildlife
Enhancements such as exposed aggregate sidewalk, pedestrian lighting, and textured concrete
The completion of this project brings the dam into compliance with NJDEP standards, mitigates flooding of U.S. Route 322, and improves the substandard geometry of the western approach roadway. It also transformed the site into a recreational destination through the addition of aesthetic upgrades, pedestrian safety enhancements, two fishing piers, and the installation of a new fish ladder.
2015 Regional Winner, America’s Transportation Awards
2015 Distinguished Engineering Award, NJ Alliance for Action
2015 Outstanding Project Honorable Mention, SJASCE