McCormick Taylor provided construction plans, specifications, and cost estimates to DelDOT for the design of a two-block corridor along Bradford Street in downtown Dover from Loockerman Street to Division Street.
The section of Bradford Street between Wesley College and downtown Dover is considered a gateway for students traveling through the area; however, the pedestrian facilities were substandard and in need of upgrading. Due to the pedestrian traffic volumes and the historic nature of Dover, it was important to upgrade the facilities to meet the needs of users while also maintaining the look and feel of the area which the adjacent property owners highly valued.
McCormick Taylor worked with the Delaware Department of Transportation (DelDOT) and the City of Dover to design a sidewalk that would meet the needs and desired aesthetic of each unique access point. The overall sidewalk design matched the character of the surrounding environment through the installation of a brick edging. The pedestrian level lighting installation was based on a photometric analysis and existing underground utilities. McCormick Taylor coordinated with utility companies and developed a utility statement that described the facilities within the project limits and any associated impacts. The maintenance of traffic plan provided the least impactful construction phasing to the traveling public and residents and property owners along Bradford Street. The design plan considered on-street parking, traffic flow, pedestrian access, safety, material installation production rates, and the cost to maintain temporary traffic controls. Public comments were considered as part of the design process. In addition, McCormick Taylor provided construction consultation services, responding to Contractor questions and updating the design plans as necessary.

This project demonstrates McCormick Taylor’s ability to provide an aesthetic sidewalk that meets the needs of a historic area, while also complying with state guidelines for ADA design criteria and balancing the cost of materials with ease of construction and maintenance. The sidewalk improvements have enhanced the appearance of the corridor and provide a safe pedestrian access route.
2022 Grand Conceptor Award (<$1M), ACEC Delaware Engineering Excellence Awards