McCormick Taylor was responsible for a comprehensive traffic impact statement review and supplemental proposed traffic assessments to identify potential impacts of this proposed roadway widening and extension.
The Contee Road corridor in Prince George’s County, MD was plagued with high volumes of traffic, narrow or non-existent shoulders, deficient sight lines, and many residential and commercial access points, which allowed little room for additional economic and residential development. The Contee Road Realignment and Reconstruction project introduces a more direct route for vehicular traffic and will help with the overall systematic connection of multiple transportation facilities in the area, including the Intercounty Connector (ICC), I-95, and U.S. 1. Additionally, the realigned Konterra Drive and the new Contee Road Interchange over I-95 is a critical component of Prince George’s County’s short- and long-term economic growth plans.
This 1.14-mile-long project was the top priority of the County to connect I-95 to the US 1 corridor, and was developed as a four-lane, divided, closed-section, urban arterial within a maximum 120-foot right-of-way. Adjacent developments along this corridor include the future 2,200-acre Konterra Town Center, the Carver Memorial Cemetery, the Centre of Laurel and Marlo Plaza shopping centers, single family residential areas, the Victoria Falls Retirement Community, the Windsor at Contee Crossing condominiums, and the Islamic Community Center at Laurel.

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The project was developed as a four-lane, divided, closed-section, urban arterial within a maximum of 120-foot right-of-way. Multiple concepts were developed and compared in matrix form to the proposed Konterra Town Center Plan. Horizontal and vertical alignments were based on the ultimate approved typical section, the County’s original grade establishment profile, and current AASHTO standards.
McCormick Taylor traffic engineers were responsible for a comprehensive traffic impact statement review and supplemental proposed traffic assessments to identify potential impacts of this proposed roadway widening and extension. To supplement the TIS, trip generation and assignment was performed for the existing land uses along Contee Road to assist with the determination of additional signalization along the corridor. Multiple Synchro models and SimTraffic simulations were prepared to evaluate several design concepts, determine proposed lane configurations, and address future pedestrian and bicyclist movements between residential areas, parks, schools, and shopping areas.

Based on the analyses and planning efforts, McCormick Taylor refined the preferred concept to develop a proposed typical section that incorporated vehicular, pedestrian, and bicycle amenities.
2018 CEAM Large Project of the Year Award