McCormick Taylor has supported thousands of miles of electric transmission and distribution projects.

135 kV Transmission Project Rebuild, Harford County, MD
This project involved replacing the existing structures with steel monopoles, including structures within a navigable waterway. McCormick Taylor supported our client by performing the following services:
- The analyses and design of stormwater management geoweb access roads.
- Prepared surveys for permitting.
- Regulatory research/interpretation.
- Biological surveys including Threatened & Endangered species surveys.
- Wetland and Waters of US delineations/surveys.
- Prepared and submitted Federal, State, and Local permit applications.
- Supported the development of environmental documentation and Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity (CPCN) testimony.
- Provided expert witness testimony.
- Environmental Compliance Inspections including NPDES Construction Permit Compliance.

69 kV/138 kV Transmission Line Rebuild and Wetland Mitigation Site, Wicomico & Worcester County, MD and Accomack County, VA
The approximately 31-mile project involved the rebuild of the existing 69 kV transmission line and the creation of a new 138 kV transmission line. McCormick Taylor supported our client by performing the following services:
- Regulatory research/interpretation and desktop analysis
- Biological Surveys including T&E surveys and invasive plant surveys
- Visual quality analysis
- Wetland and Waters of US Delineations/Surveys
- Prepared and submitted Federal, State, and Local permit applications in support of impacts to wetlands and waterways, Wild and Scenic River crossing, and MD Forest Conservation requirements
- Supported the development of Environmental Documentation and CPCN Testimony
- Environmental Compliance inspections including NPDES Construction Permit compliance.
- Post Construction Monitoring
In addition, McCormick Taylor designed 10.3 acres of nontidal palustrine forested (PFO) wetlands in Worcester County, MD in support of the rebuild. Wetland mitigation was required to offset impacts to forested wetlands as width throughout the corridor was reclaimed to accommodate the higher voltage lines. The design of the wetland system began with groundwater monitoring to identify seasonal fluctuations. Once the site’s groundwater and hydrology were understood, a design was produced that lowered the site to an elevation that would increase the frequency of soil saturation, target a seasonally saturated water regime, and establish PFO wetland vegetation. Following the Maryland Department of the Environment’s Phase II Mitigation Plan Required Information Checklist microtopography, natural features, construction specifications, and a site-specific planting plan were incorporated as the design progressed. McCormick Taylor's role continued into the bid support and construction oversight phases of the project. Construction oversight included both technical support and environmental permit compliance.
Additional services provided included:
- Site investigation and drainage analysis
- Stormwater and floodplain analysis
- Identification of site constraints and local specific permitting requirements
- Preparation of local permit submittals
- Erosion and sediment control measures
- Hydrologic and hydraulic modeling
- Agency coordination
- Development of redline modifications during construction for project compliance
- Review of as-built plans for project acceptance

Substation Project, Cecil County, MD
McCormick Taylor, Inc. provided site design for the new substation, which included a new 230 kV ring bus, a 34 kV ring bus, two new 230 to 34 kV transformers, a new control enclosure, grounding grid, cable trough, and duct bank extensions. Site improvements included new access roads, stream crossings, State Highway access, perimeter fence, and stormwater management features. The substation taps off of an existing 230 kV transmission line adjacent to the property and extends multiple 34 kV distribution feeders to increase reliability within the region. McCormick Taylor's responsibilities included:
- Development of site plans
- SWM/E&S plans
- Coordination with Delmarva, Cecil County Department of Public Works, Cecil Soil Conservation District, and Maryland State Highway to obtain approvals.

Avian Program, Confidential Client, NJ
McCormick Taylor helped our client develop a self-implemented Annual Hazard nest mitigation program in 2016 in response to bird-related outages and fire hazards documented throughout their service territory.
During the active osprey nesting season from February to September, McCormick Taylor documents high-risk raptor nests, identifies nesting relocations and effective deterrents, responds to review electrocutions, coordinates with the United States Fish and Wildlife Services and the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, and monitors the nesting success of the osprey. We track hot spot nesting locations and work with our client’s staff to identify deterrents. At the end of every season, McCormick Taylor provides the client with a summary and identifies hazard nests to be relocated or removed prior to the next nesting season.