McCormick Taylor provided public involvement and environmental permit assistance on this extensive interchange project.
The I-70 New Stanton Interchange Improvement Project consolidated two substandard interchanges into one modern, safe facility. The new interchange design incorporates three roundabouts at the on- and off-ramps and improved acceleration/deceleration lanes to meet current design standards. The project involved reconstructing a 1.7-mile section of I-70 from a structure over Route 3014 (Hunker Waltz Mill Road) to the Pennsylvania Turnpike Interchange.
The project included 50 partial and total property acquisitions, making public involvement a key component of project development. This was the first project in the state to employ partnering processes throughout all phases of development, including internal partnering among the design consultants, subconsultants, and managers from various disciplines in PennDOT’s District and Central Offices to move this complex interchange consolidation project in a timely way.
The project also incorporated roundabouts at both interchange ramp intersections and the Bair Boulevard/Rachel Drive intersection; highway lighting, context-sensitive features on the structures and interchange roundabouts; sidewalks for improve pedestrian access along Center Avenue and part of Bair Boulevard; and a park and ride lot to encourage ride sharing.

McCormick Taylor provided public involvement and environmental permit assistance on this extensive interchange redesign project. McCormick Taylor convened a Community Partnering Committee (CPC), comprised of local business owners, residents, emergency service providers, and other stakeholders who worked with the project team throughout the preliminary engineering, final design, right-of-way, and construction phases of the project. The CPC worked together to develop communication strategies to help drivers travel safely through the work zone and continue to visit local businesses during construction. These strategies were compiled into a Construction Communications Plan that leveraged local communication resources to keep the community and travelers informed as construction progressed. This Community Partnering effort was done in collaboration with the Smart Growth Partnership and Westmoreland County Department of Planning and Development to ensure that the project supported existing, planned, and future development.
McCormick Taylor’s Environmental Services Group prepared a Categorical Exclusion Evaluation (CEE) Level 2 for the project. The team also conducted noise studies and wetland and surface water delineations. Approximately 1, 470 feet of stream and 9 wetlands were impacted by the project. A Community Impact Assessment form was completed, based on field work, discussions with the municipal officials, and review of the Borough's Comprehensive Plan.
Pennsylvania state and local officials celebrated the completion of the I-70 New Stanton Interchange Improvement Project at a ribbon-cutting ceremony on November 21, 2017.
The $53.7 million project was finished a year ahead of the initial projected timeline.
The relocated New Stanton interchange is located 1,600 feet west of the old interchange and provides acceleration and deceleration lanes for traffic entering and exiting I-70 that meet today’s standards.
2018 Outstanding Highway Engineering Award, Large Projects - ASHE Pittsburgh Section
Total Quality Initiative & Partnering Award - Associated Pennsylvania Constructors