This federally funded, locally administered project consisted of the analysis, design and preparation of construction plans and bid documents for a new traffic signal and turn lane at the intersection of North Main Street (State Route 42) and Old River Road, in addition to other miscellaneous access management and pedestrian accommodation improvements along the corridor.
The intersection included significant heavy truck volumes from several adjacent and nearby industrial properties primarily making left turns onto North Main Street that had fairly consistent traffic flow throughout the day.

McCormick Taylor prepared preliminary and final construction plans for the proposed improvements. Right-of-way acquisition was completed on three commercial properties, including in-depth coordination with the adjacent Marshall’s distribution center. Significant utility relocations were coordinated with six utility companies and at the request of the Town of Bridgewater, McCormick Taylor evaluated multiple duct bank options to transfer the aerial lines to buried facilities through the intersection and project corridor. However, based on the results of our extensive discussions with the electric utility and further consideration of the options, the Town decided to relocate several poles and associated aerial lines in very limited spaces within the project area. The utility work also included relocating a gas distribution main bisecting the intersection.
In addition, several commercial entrances were closed along the corridor and replaced with sidewalk to improve access management. A mid-block pedestrian crossing was also constructed for safety adjacent to the town’s main grocery store and a gas station/convenience store.
To improve traffic movement at the intersection, a right turn lane was added in the southbound direction of North Main Street, the intersection was signalized and pedestrian facilities were upgraded to the latest ADA/PROWAG standards. The project finished construction in late 2022 and McCormick Taylor provided construction phase support services.