By evaluating potential widening and intersection alternatives—and ultimately designing—Virginia’s first Superstreet for State Route 10, an urban principal arterial, McCormick Taylor increased community safety and eased local traffic.
A four-lane divided highway serving nearly 44,400 vehicles daily, State Route 10 is a crucial Chesterfield County transportation link, providing the area’s only connection to I-95 and I-295. Serving a mixture of residential, commercial, and industrial development, the corridor has experienced rapid traffic growth. With many local business developments, including several distribution centers, State Route 10 is an important truck route. This project added capacity along the corridor for large-scale developments and a proposed technology center to meet expected traffic volume exceeding 105,000 vehicles daily by 2036. Choosing this innovative Superstreet intersection design eliminates thru and left-turn movements of the minor cross-streets, which reduces signal phases and increases major movement efficiency and flow.
McCormick Taylor analyzed innovative intersection treatments, working with stakeholders to determine that a Superstreet would best accommodate the existing and projected traffic volumes—at less cost than a traditional continuous flow intersection or flyover bridge. McCormick Taylor provided all public involvement, VISSIM and Synchro traffic analysis, roadway design, utility coordination, MOT/sequence of construction plans, water/sewer relocation design, traffic signal plans, SWM/drainage design, NEPA permitting, and air/noise quality analysis.

The completed project widened State Route 10 from four to eight lanes from the intersection at Bermuda Triangle Road to the intersection at Rivers Bend Boulevard, upgraded Meadowville Road from two to six lanes, improved the link from I-95 to I-295, and relieved the current congestion.