McCormick Taylor was responsible for the Concept Development, Preliminary Engineering, and Final Design associated with the construction of a new 0.60-mile truck bypass roadway in western Gibbstown to reduce truck traffic traveling through residential communities and increase quality of life and safety.
The project was initiated to alleviate the negative impacts of truck traffic in the community of Gibbstown by facilitating more direct access to the DuPont development site. The
existing Route 44 roadway runs through the community of Gibbstown including numerous residences, an elementary school, active recreational fields, child care facilities, medical
facilities, places of worship, and other institutional, commercial, and governmental land uses. This created less than ideal conditions for truck traffic and more importantly, the safety
of the community.
Without a truck bypass, traffic traveling to/from the DuPont site was forced to go through a residential neighborhood along Repauno Avenue to access Route 44 or Democrat Road. Route 44 (Broad Street) is essentially Gibbstown’s downtown Main Street. An analysis of future no-build conditions (without construction of a bypass) indicated that the Route 44 and Repauno Avenue intersection would operate at level of service (LOS) F with excessive
delays (approximately four minutes). Traffic operations along the surrounding roadway network would also be degraded, with the unsignalized intersection at Swedesboro Road and Democrat Road (currently a flashing beacon) anticipated to operate at LOS F due to the trips generated by the proposed port redevelopment. Ten right-angle crashes were reported at this intersection during the most recent three-year period. The proposed bypass permitted all port-bound traffic from interstate and arterial connections to the south to be diverted to the port prior to entering downtown Gibbstown.

During the Local Concept Development (LCD) Study, McCormick Taylor evaluated existing and future no-build conditions within the project area, prepared a project purpose and need statement, developed and analyzed alternatives for a Route 44 truck bypass that would also provide access to the Repauno site, and selected a Preliminary Preferred Alternative (PPA). During the Preliminary Engineering and Final Design Phases, this PPA was advanced to construction.
The PPA was selected by a careful balance of providing preferred design elements (e.g. design speed, cross-section, curve radii, profile, etc.) and minimizing project impacts and costs. Major constraints driving the alignment of the bypass included impacts to residential Gibbstown, environmental resources, existing utilities, and railroad infrastructure. The PPA was able to maintain all existing structures. McCormick Taylor was able to modify the slope protection of the existing Route 44 Bridge over Conrail to pass the northbound ramp under the first span of the bridge. The team was also able to utilize lightweight fill over the existing culvert over Sand Ditch to provide a widened roadway section with concrete barriers and moment slabs without impacting the culvert.
The project also included the design of a new at-grade railroad crossing. McCormick Taylor
coordinated with New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) Bureau of Railroad Engineering Services and Conrail to obtain approval of the proposed crossing and warning devices.
The project was completed on schedule and under original cost estimates from Concept Development. The Preliminary and Final Design phases were combined to accelerate the design of the project. The entire project from the beginning of Concept Development through completion of Construction was completed within four years.
The former DuPont site is being redeveloped into the Repauno Port & Rail Terminal and will play a vital role in the future economic success of South Jersey and the region. The port is located on the Delaware River and is served by Conrail with access to CSX and Norfolk Southern. The addition of the bypass provides easy access to I-295 and I-95 and safely diverts truck traffic from the surrounding residential neighborhoods improving the health, safety, and welfare of the residents.
2022 Project of the Year - Under $10 Million Category, ASHE NCNJ & SNJ
2022 Distinguished Award, ACEC/NJ Engineering Excellence Awards
2021 Project of the Year - Under $10 Million Category, ASCE NJ