McCormick Taylor coordinated with various schools and school district officials throughout Delaware to develop infrastructure improvements and non-infrastructure activities that encourage children to walk and bicycle to school safely.
For years, Delaware has been a leader in developing and promoting Safe Routes to School (SRTS) initiatives. According to DelDOT’s Safe Routes to School Program 2010 Guidelines, Delaware passed its own SRTS legislation three years prior to Federal SRTS legislation being passed as part of SAFETEA-LU. Based on this legislation, DelDOT developed a program to work with schools to encourage children to walk and bicycle to school safely, as well as to make grants available for safety and traffic improvements in the vicinity of schools.
More recently, DelDOT has partnered with the Delaware Bicycle Council Office of Highway Safety, the University of Delaware Cooperative Extension, and Nemours Health and Prevention Services to integrate existing activities into the SRTS program and to encourage schools to take advantage of their programs as part of their SRTS plans.

Working with DelDOT’s Statewide and Regional Planning Section, McCormick Taylor coordinated with various schools and school district officials throughout the state to develop improvements and programs that encourage school children to walk and bicycle to school safely. Together we identify, evaluate, and recommend both infrastructure improvements, as well as non-infrastructure activities that promote healthy and safe choices for children to travel to and from school.
This unique contract requires effective communication skills and frequent communication with DelDOT’s Statewide and Regional Planning Section, other pertinent sections within DelDOT, various school and school district officials, and several parent-teacher organizations.