McCormick Taylor held this open-end planning contract from 2013-2017, providing assistance on an on-call basis for creating and updating plans, assisting in long-range planning, and supplying traffic engineering and design-related services to the SEDA-COG MPO.



The SEDA-COG MPO is the transportation planning agency for eight central Pennsylvania Counties: Clinton, Columbia, Juniata, Mifflin, Montour, Northumberland, Snyder, and Union. In executing its work, the MPO strives to help provide a balanced transportation system for the maximum benefit of people, businesses, and communities in the region.

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McCormick Taylor assisted SEDA-COG in updating the region’s Long-Range Transportation Plan. The Long-Range Transportation Plan identifies transportation needs, goals, projects, and policies for at least a 20-year period, and is fully updated about every five years. It also addresses new federal and state transportation legislation.


The plan establishes the vision and objectives that guide public decisions affecting transportation facilities and services in the SEDA-COG region. It serves as the blueprint for transportation and economic investments that address network deficiencies, safety issues, mobility constraints, accessibility limitations, and unsustainable development.

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SEDA-COG MPO 2040 Long-Range Transportation Plan - The updated Long Range Transportation Plan for the recently established eight-county SEDA-COG MPO was completed over a 12-month timeframe, with adoption in July 2016. Increasing stakeholder involvement, addressing MAP-21 and FAST Act performance-based planning, and expanding the types and distribution of programmable projects were emphases of the update.


SEDA-COG MPO Public Participation Plan, Environmental Justice Analysis, and LEP Plan Updates - McCormick Taylor updated the public participation plan to comply with new USDOT requirements, triggered by the MPO’s designation in 2013. Plans aspire to achieve more meaningful public participation, consistent consideration of EJ populations, and ready accommodation of limited English proficient populations. SEDA-COG MPO received official commendations from PennDOT’s Bureau of Equal Opportunity for these best practice plans.


U.S. 15 Adaptive Signal System Approval and Grant Award - McCormick Taylor fulfilled the approval process for a traffic adaptive signal system in Lewisburg Borough and East Buffalo Township, Union County. Justification for adaptive control along with system architecture, maintenance, and evaluations of the adaptive signal technologies were completed. PennDOT approved a $325,000 grant in 2014 and it was implemented in 2017.