McCormick Taylor assisted the Maryland State Highway Administration’s Office of Environmental Design to develop and implement a program to comply with the Maryland WIP, the NPDES MS4 Discharge Permit, and EPA-approved local TMDLs.
McCormick Taylor developed and implemented a program to comply with the Maryland WIP, the NPDES MS4 Discharge Permit, and EPA-approved local Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDL) for SHA's Office of Environmental Design. A major component of this was to meet the requirements of the Phase II Watershed Implementation Plan (WIP II) for the Chesapeake Bay TMDL, which was issued by the US Environmental Protection Agency in December 2010.
McCormick Taylor provided staff both on- and offsite who were instrumental in the development and execution of this program since its inception in 2011.
Our responsibilities included:
- Providing onsite restoration planning and GIS support personnel
- SWM planning, site search and design tasks
- Overseeing the assessment of MDOT SHA’s Waste Load Allocation at the Bay and Local levels
- Developing the pollutant load reduction model concept
- Designing site selection GIS models for stream and tree planting identification
- Designing the Task Management database which houses all design and construction tasks, costs, schedules and credit
- Management of TMDL research initiatives
- Development of alternate protocols for crediting of outfall restoration projects
- Assessment of initial stream and wetland candidate sites
- Providing management and coordination for the delivery of TMDL projects
McCormick Taylor was instrumental in identifying and programming tasks that allowed SHA to meet and exceed the nutrient/sediment reduction requirements and impervious restoration goals for the NPDES Permit and Bay TMDL. SHA recognized McCormick Taylor staff for our contributions and partnership in delivering the program.
Scott Lowe, Mike Miller, and Josh Henley received the Blue Heron Award, the Office of Environmental Design Director’s Certificate of Appreciation for their roles in the outfall crediting protocol. Michele Aitkenhead received the Making Waves Award, the Office of Environmental Design Director’s recognition for innovation for her efforts on the Task Management Database.